Daily Use at Farmer's Market

Daily Use

MM slash DD slash YYYY
PHYSICAL Address(Required)
MAILING Address (If different)
By checking below, I hereby make application for daily use of Downtown South Boston Farmers Market. By paying the daily fee of $15.00 I agree to operate in the following manner. This is to further certify that I am an independent vendor and agree to pay the established daily fees prior to each use, and to abide by the regulations of the market as enforced by the Executive Board of the Downtown South Boston Farmers Market and the town of South Boston. The undersigned further agrees to bear full responsibility for any defects in the food he/she sells, or any sickness or injuries caused by the aforementioned food items. The undersigned vendor also agrees to release the Downtown South Boston Farmers Market from responsibility for any claims for damage or injury incurred or caused by the vendor during the operation of the market. The undersigned affirms that the products presented for sale at the Market are produced by the vendor, or the undersigned is an agent for the producer and that the goods have not been bought for the express purpose of resale at the Market.
By signing below, you agree to all terms listed above.
Clear Signature
Today's Date



MM slash DD slash YYYY